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China prayer tree

In China, it’s estimated that the Church is growing by a million people per year. In Britain, Chinese-language churches are now the fastest-growing congregations, due mainly to people coming to the UK from Hong Kong. Please pray for those coming to faith, and for their leaders. In China, your support enables pastors to be trained and provided with resources. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you will strengthen the church in China, encourage them even in the face of persecution by the power of the Holy Spirit, empower and multiply the clergy who will be dedicated to feeding your flock and multiply your giftings there. Amen.


2 months ago

Thank you for China. Thank you for this beautiful place. Lord I pray for the persecution, and the Christians who suffer every day. Lord help them stay strong and know that they glorify you. Allow there to be leaders who can rise up to build the church and share your word.

Sarah, from UAE, Dubai

2 months ago

Dear Lord, may China’s leaders learn that their actions regarding the surrounding islands are harassment; to attack these islands would go against the teachings of Christ, and breach at least 4 of the Ten Commandments, the greatest of these would relate to loving they neighbour as thy self. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

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