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Bao received a Bible in Wa, the indigenous Chinese language he speaks, and it took him from drug addiction to church leadership. You can give the Bible to someone just like Bao. (Photo credit: Arleen Luo)

Give the Bible to someone in China

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Pastor Bao’s transformative ministry, serving the sick and sharing the gospel, stems from his own life-changing encounter with Scripture. Will you put the Bible in the hands of a Chinese person?

£43,120.57 out of £40,000 raised

from 557 supporters


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The Bible is at the heart of the amazing fruitfulness we see in China.

Growing up in China’s Wa minority, Bao was a nominal Christian struggling with drug addiction. Today he leads a church and has a passion for sharing the good news. The difference is the Bible and the opportunity he was given to read it in his native Wa language, thanks to Bible Society supporters.

Will you provide the same life-giving gift to a Christian from another of China’s minorities? You can give the Bible to a Chinese believer

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This is a huge opportunity to reach people who would otherwise be left out. Your donation today will help translate the Bible into one of China’s indigenous languages.

The availability of the Bible in the Wa language these past few years has had a remarkable impact, even beyond Bao’s church and outreach. Another Wa believer told us that understanding the Bible has turned things around for his whole family. ‘We immersed ourselves in its pages, reading it day after day as a family, to the point where the Bible has become worn and weathered.’

With your support, other indigenous peoples in China can know the transformative power of hearing the words of Jesus in their own language. Will you give the Bible today?

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