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When my mum was pregnant with me

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

‘When my mum was pregnant with me, my parents read Psalm 121 a lot. It’s comforting and very beautiful. It gives an atmosphere of peace and support. Then there was a fire in my mum’s house about a week before I was due.

The house burned down.

My dad was away at work. My parents had to stay with friends. My mum went into labour. Still they were praying the Psalm 121.

I was due on February 7, but I was born early just before midnight on February 1, so my birthday was 1 February 2001 – 121. From the age of two or three, my parents taught me Psalm 121 and I learned it off by heart.

My babysitters used to get a surprise when I would read it to them. I couldn’t read, but I’d learned it.

It’s travelled with me quite a bit. Not only are the words comforting and beautiful, but the idea of something that has been with me always is so special. No matter where I am in life, no matter how unsure, I go back to that verse and find comfort in it. Those verses are completely essential to me. I still read it all the time.'

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