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A light in the darkness: your impact in Ukraine

From Christians to atheists, it seems that everyone in Ukraine wants a Bible.Your generous support replenishes stocks and means lives are changing for good.

Thank you for your donation to bring God’s word to a country at war.

Certainly you know that having been tense for a number of years, life in Ukraine has become nightmarish in the past two months. Thousands have died and millions have had to leave. Our team there have been bringing people Bibles and supplies since the first day of fighting, and your support has made this tireless outreach possible. But it’s not just a desperate response to darkness, it’s light breaking in. All kinds of people in Ukraine are engaging with God’s word.

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The pastor

A Ukrainian pastor leading prayer on his YouTube channel said he’s reminded, of all things, of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of restrictions on religion. He said: ‘I would never have dreamed I’d see such a hunger for the Bible.’ The same video described a scene familiar to our team in Ukraine, where a patient queue for food becomes a mad rush for Bibles. 

‘We didn’t expect much of an interest, as all these people came for food. They formed a queue early morning. But the brother from the Bible Society was scared, people almost trampled him down! Everyone was rushing; everyone wanted the Bible! It was a real hunger! There were not enough. One girl was really upset because she couldn’t get a Bible, so I promised to get more next time.

‘These are truly God’s miracles. We see them every day, and I know it will lead to people’s spiritual awakening. People already ask whether there is a way to register to attend church, and I say no registration is needed for this! Many people were living in this neighbourhood before but never noticed our church. Now, as they receive help from us, they want to learn more and feel the hunger for God. So, praise the Lord for the miracle we are witnessing today!’

Wounded soldiers in Lviv

Local church members visited a military hospital in Lviv to give out Bibles provided by you. They brought back these testimonies of lives changed.


‘I’ve heard a lot about God in the past but this war, and how I was spared from a sure death, brought me closer to him. I started looking at my life differently. I started believing in him and this faith grows daily.’


‘After I experienced all the horrors of the war, God opened himself to me and led me to believe. I am so thankful to him that I am here, alive, and for the Bible I received. I hope I am standing at the beginning of my spiritual path.’


‘I experienced something that I would never forget. When I was under the artillery shelling, I asked God to protect me. This brought me closer to him. Since then, I was always asking him to protect my life, and he always heard me. Now, at the hospital here, I met folks who explained to me what had actually happened to me and gave me the Bible.’


‘When I was 19, my friend kept talking to me about God, Jesus Christ and the Bible. But now, when I am 23, because of this war, God has truly touched my heart.’

Thank you for generosity

The team in Ukraine are determined to help, and it’s your generous response providing the Bibles that are changing lives.

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