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Darllenwch hwn yn Gymraeg

I’m an occupational therapist

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

‘I’m an occupational therapist. I work in the community with children who have conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Everything has changed, and is changing all the time. I’m now seeing adults in their homes. It could be anyone from 18 to over 100. We don’t know if they are Covid-19 patients. Some of the therapists are worried about that. It’s a bit of an unknown, and I have to say, that’s where my faith comes in. 

‘There’s a lot of anxiety in the community. Back at base, people are twitchy. We have lost people locally: a nurse and two porters, who were Christians. We have been stressed, having crazy dreams. I’ve stopped watching the news now. 

‘There are some verses in Philippians 4 which talk about rejoicing in the Lord, and they say, “do not worry about anything” and “let your gentleness be known to everyone”. 

‘Every time I visit someone in their home, I say to myself that I will do this in all my visits. I will be gentle. Seriously, the first few visits I did, I was praying on the way there and afterwards, thanking God that he was with me. 

‘These verses are helping me in practical ways as well as emotionally. When I’m out, I know that I’m there for someone else. My job is a calling. I feel I was born for this. These verses are about being mindful of others, but they’ve also encouraged me to pray to God that I will feel his peace. 

‘The first two weeks, I was shattered. I was doing lots of things that I don’t do normally. But I really do believe that I’m getting some peace from God now.’

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