My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible
'I have been a buyer for a major multinational for 18 years. I think I have got the best job in the world, genuinely. I love the plants. I’ve always been interested in plants. For me, it’s trying to share that passion with people, that’s why I do what I do.
'Gardening has so many positive effects in terms of mental and physical health, and now that’s particularly true. Now, it demonstrates why gardening is really, really important.
'The last few months have been incredibly complicated. In the gardening world, 60% of business is done between March and May. March and April have been written off. What we do is very, very intense. You have to get used to the pressure. You go from nothing to 100 miles an hour very, very quickly.
'I’ve gone from being a fairweather reader of the Bible to really digging under the skin a lot more. The verse that’s been helpful for me is Joshua 1.9, ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ That is so appropriate for what we are going through at the moment, and helps me feel reassured that God is with us always even though things are really difficult.
'What’s struck home with me is the importance of having a relationship with God. The more time I spend reading the Bible, it closes the distance between me and God. I used to do that in the car, but now I’m working from home it’s harder. There’s less time. So, I read first thing in the morning. Once the day starts, it’s 5pm.'
Do you have a story to share? Email [email protected]
I became very ill when I was 20 years old and was hospitalised
I’m sometimes guilty of thinking I know better than everyone else
I was an executive in a company. A colleague had retired and died very suddenly.
I keep coming back to John 6.67–68
Hebrews 11.1–6 has kind of shaped my life
Want to share how the Bible has impacted your life? Email [email protected]